Sunday 14 April 2013

Homage to Halysites

Some time late last year I visited the Chester Grosvenor Museum to see good old-fashioned fossil exhibition. Naturally there was a wonderful array of interesting specimens, lots of food for thought on the nature and process of casting. The above specimen is a Halysite, a fossilised chain coral.  

Below are a taster of samples and experiments of casting using gold and silver chains and other vintage pieces of jewellery.  

This visit must have provoked me to find out more than just looking at fossils as beautiful objects. So, being fascinated by all things "natural history" I've been expanding my rock knowledge! This year I have been spending a fascinating couple of hours a week on a geology/fossils course at Manchester Museum. More posts on that to come.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Blue John

A weekend in the Peak District - what an alien landscape to me. It was like driving in the sky, going over that road. 

Anyway,  I found myself hiding away, underground, taking photos like this.